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Sustainability recognition and accolades

Sustainability recognition and accolades

I was in Dubai last week to receive the Sustainable Leadership Award 2023 and I couldn’t but be thrilled to share the happiness with you. The award was a morale booster personally as well as for REVA since we have been working towards the goal of Sustainability ever since its inception.

As I received the award, I recollected how fruitful this journey has been. When I was young I remember playing in the greenery and the air being thick with different kinds of plants and insects as well as the area being alive with the sound of birds. I nurtured this dream and tried to imbibe it in REVA. Our students participate in a slew of activities that support the overall goal of environmental conservation as part of our Social Responsibility initiatives.

At REVA, we have contributed to sustainable practices in several ways: performing insightful research on urgent sustainability challenges, educating students about sustainability initiatives and assuring their participation as well as minimising the campus’ overall environmental impact. I believe that these minor aspects of education bring you very near to being a sustainable campus, and this Award is nothing more than a testament to our collective efforts.

When I came to Bengaluru from my hometown several years ago, there was greenery all around. The atmosphere was quite lively and boisterous. If you are out in nature now, what do you hear? Perhaps the cacophony of vehicles screeching and honking all around. It serves no purpose to lament the transformation of our Garden City into an urban neighbourhood. That’s the ordeal for the day and we must put up with it. Nevertheless, despite all of this, we must keep in mind that if we let our ecosystems deteriorate, we endanger the fundamental elements of community well-being, including food, water, air, economic development, shelter, and clothing. This loss is a threat to human survival.

We are committed to being a Green Campus and hence our next focus is on soil and water conservation. Our mission is to empower strong, young voices to go beyond meaningless rhetoric and do action that contributes to sustainability.

If each of us do our part, we can all be change-makers. We may all continue to enjoy the advantages of sustainability, which restore our natural balance. Let's find a way to coexist in a peaceful and prosperous society and inspire the next generation of students to take on sustainability issues.


