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10 Feb 2024

“Nooran Kuchi” during KHEL KHOJ 2024

Nooran Kuchi was organized by the School of ECE as a part of Khel Khol 2024. This game introduced in India through trade and cultural exchanges, Nooran Kuchi became a popular pastime. It is a game where players pick up sticks from a pile without moving others. They drop bundled sticks on a surface, then take turns picking up sticks one by one without disturbing the rest. If a player causes disturbance, they will lose their turn and after several rounds the player with highest score wins the game. 

The event was coordinated by Prof. Bhanuteja G, SoECE and a total of 184 participants participated and enjoyed the game. 

The winners are.  
  1. Nandish, ECE -620 points 
  2. Deekshith, CSE -540 points
  3. Nagaraj, CSE- 460 points 

“Nooran Kuchi” during KHEL KHOJ 2024

