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03 Jan 2024

Health Camp for REVA Staff at REVA Health Centre

The Health Camp for REVA University staff, held on 3rd & 4th January 2024, aimed to promote health awareness and well-being among our valued faculty and staff members. Organized under the School of Allied Health Sciences, this event served as a platform for enhancing health literacy and facilitating access to essential healthcare services. Throughout the two-day event, attendees had the opportunity to participate in a range of health-focused activities and avail themselves of various services, including health screenings, wellness consultations, informative workshops, and interactive demonstrations. From preventive health checks to nutritional counselling, the Health Camp encompassed diverse initiatives tailored to address the holistic health needs of our university community. We are delighted to report a robust turnout, with a significant number of staff members actively engaging in the Health Camp activities. The enthusiastic participation underscored the value and importance placed on prioritizing health and well-being within the REVA University community.



Health Camp for REVA Staff at REVA Health Centre

