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31 Oct 2022

Popular Culture & Media-Perspective and Prospective

Popular Culture & Media-Perspective and Prospective

The School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences of REVA University, Bengaluru, is organizing a national-level student seminar on the 31st of October, 2022. The School extends an open invitation to students from all corners of the country to share their thoughts on the intricate relationship of "media and popular culture", the primary theme of the seminar. The seminar endeavours to create a panoramic view of how different motifs of media and pop culture such as: gender, social media, health, youth, fashion, body, violence,food and politics are tied to media, which thereby catalyse the construction of popular culture. Our podium awaits orators from across borders to present their richly-researched and theoretically informed takes on the aforementioned sub-themes and more.
Popular Culture & Media-Perspective and Prospective

