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22 Apr 2021

Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights in Science”

Club name: Idea Club

Number of participants: 215 Inhouse participants .

Activity Conducted: Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights in Science” was organized by Department of Biotechnology, School of Applied Sciences in association with REVA IPR Cell on 22nd April 2021 through MS Teams Platform. Prof. Renuka Madhu, IPR coordinator from the Department coordinated the event. The webinar was organized to create an awareness about various IPRs in the field of science among faculty members and students. Main aim was to give an insight regarding all the available patents and its importance for the certification of innovations under legal grounds.

215 participants, including Faculty members and Post Graduate students of SoAS attended the session from the Department of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology and Biochemistry. The session focused on 4 main themes such as IPR Awareness, Criteria for patenting, Different types of Patent Applications, Patent filing etc. The resource person presented a detailed idea of various sectors of patents and its applications.

Detailed account of Utility, Design and Process Patent was provided through the session along with the criteria for patenting such as Novelty, Non-Obviousness, Industrial Applicability etc. The session was very informative, interactive and productive. Resource person also guided the participants regarding patent search for novelty check and also suggested the web sites for patent search. Students were advised to check their project work in terms of patentability before publishing in Journals.


Patent contents


Types of patents

Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights in Science”

