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School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Research Grants from inception of school (year wise)

Sl.No. Name of PI/Co-PI Title of the project Funding Agency Amount granted
(in lakhs)
Year of Sanction (DD.MM.YYYY) Duration of Project Status
1 Dr.Rajashekar P.Mandi Dr.Ritesh Dash Automatic Light Sensing and Dimming Control using IOT and 3rd Degree Kernel Debugging using SVM Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited 1 lakh 12-02-2021 12 Months (Ongoing)
2 1.Adithya Ballaji
2.Manish Bharat
Development of IoT and GSM based alterting health monitoring system for rural india post covid-19 Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) 0.055 01-04-2021 6 Months (Ongoing)
3 1.Manish Bharat
2.Adithya Ballaji
Weather parameter and pollution level extraction using IoT for various traffic nodal points with solar charging Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) 0.06 01-04-2021 6 Months (Ongoing)

